Welcome to Whyral Media

Who we are

Whyral Media is a digital media company focused on creating video form content and marketing it on the internet.

Video Creation

Creation and editing of a video form content for clients.


Making sure the video we created reaches a huge audience! 

The total number of videos createad, published & marketed by us.

The amount of views generated on videos produced & marketed by us.

The number of channels that areunder the management of Whyral Media.

Videos Created & Marketed

Total Views Generated

Channels Under Management

Whyral Media is offering some great opportunities for performance oriented individuals.

We currently have open positions for the following:

  • Content Writer
  • Voiceover Artist
  • Video Editor
  • YouTube Account Manager

What we do

Content Creation

We love to create!
We work with competent writers, voice artists and video editors to create the finest video content in various verticals. We are currently producing more than 250 videos a month for our own channel that we manage and market ourselves. (both long and short form content)

Content Marketing

We know how to market and make it ‘WHYRAL’.
We know exactly what the algorithms need to be fed in order for them to recognize the content and push it to the masses. We’re doing more than 25 million views every month on the youtube channels we manage.